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Type Class
Rarity Legendary Item
Enhancement Kazuma lvl 001
Level 1
Stack 1x
Quantity 1x
Shop Cost 0 HC
Game Quantity +100x
Temporary No
VIP Only No
Marketable Yes
Sellable No
Rank A
Offensive Caster
You shall support your fellow legionnaires, using my power!
Mana regeneration methods
Gain mana when they Strike an enemy in combat
Stats description
Legion Pries is support type.
Unsheath your daggers and start supporting your friends!, earch hit have 50% to curse your target, decreasing their damage, haste and crit by 5% stacks up to 10 times
Damage Base 4.5
Mana Cost 0
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Auto
Cooldown 1 second
Hit Targets 1x
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 10x
Duration 19 seconds
EnemyCritical -5
EnemyDamage Boost -5
EnemyHaste -5
Cast a dark spell on your enemy, that is mastered by the most respected legionnaires out there, scaring them and making them fear everything for a limited time and increasing damage they take by 40%.
Damage Base 4
Mana Cost 35
Distance Far
Affects Enemy
Type Magical
Cooldown 2 seconds
Hit Targets 1x
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 1 second
AlliesDamage Resistance -40
Cast a forbidden spell to summon the corpses of the fallen legionnaires during ancient fights, heal over time and reduce allies damage taken by 50%.
Damage Base -5.9
Mana Cost 25
Distance Far
Affects Self
Type Magical
Cooldown 5 seconds
Hit Targets 1x
An aura that causes damage over time.
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 5 seconds
SelfMagic Power +500
SelfDamage Resistance +50
Sign a cursed contract that will sell your soul to the Legion Gods, and in exchange your allies will get an amazing boost increasing huge amount of magic attack and moderate amount of physical attack
Damage Base 0
Mana Cost 35
Distance Far
Affects Allies
Type Magical
Cooldown 4 seconds
Hit Targets 10x
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 4 seconds
AlliesMagic Boost +90
AlliesPhysical Boost +20
Unleash all your magical power to create this terrifying magical blue flame...and deal a lot of damage to your enemy, increasing their damage taken by 6% earch time you use this skill (cannot miss)