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(Rank A) Asuna

Promotional Item
(Rank A) Asuna male
(Rank A) Asuna female

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  • Icon iibook
  • Type Class
  • Rarity Promotional Item
  • Most used Enhancement Kazuma lvl 300 1x
  • Requirement
  • Level 1
  • Stack 1x
  • Quantity 1x
  • Shop Cost 0 HC
  • Game Quantity 26x
  • Temporary No
  • VIP Only No
  • Marketable Yes
  • Sellable No


Tank Melee


Mana regeneration methods

Stats description

Asuna attack faster than lightning.

Never miss.

  • Damage Base 6
  • Mana Cost 0
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Auto
  • Cooldown 1 second
  • Hit Targets 1x
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 7x
  • Duration 11 seconds
  • Chance 15%
  • Effects:
    • Allies Haste +1
    • Allies Critical +1
    • Allies Damage Boost +5

Star Splash - Quick and spammable attacks!

  • Damage Base 4
  • Mana Cost 100
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Magical
  • Cooldown 2 seconds
  • Hit Targets 2x
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 7x
  • Duration 11 seconds
  • Chance 20%
  • Effects:
    • Allies Haste +1
    • Allies Critical +1
    • Allies Damage Boost +5

Flashing Penetrator - Penetrates the target and stuns them for 3 seconds.

  • Damage Base 7
  • Mana Cost 50
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Magical
  • Cooldown 6 seconds
  • Hit Targets 1x
An aura that stuns.
  • Affects Enemy
  • Maximum Stack 1x
  • Duration 2 seconds
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 7x
  • Duration 11 seconds
  • Chance 20%
  • Effects:
    • Allies Haste +1
    • Allies Critical +1
    • Allies Damage Boost +5

Shooting Start - Calls upon a shooting star and buffs you with critical strikes and hit rating.

  • Damage Base -4
  • Mana Cost 50
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Self
  • Type Magical
  • Cooldown 8 seconds
  • Hit Targets 1x
An aura that causes damage over time.
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 1x
  • Duration 4 seconds
  • Effects:
    • Self Critical +100
    • Self Hit +700
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 7x
  • Duration 11 seconds
  • Chance 20%
  • Effects:
    • Allies Haste +1
    • Allies Critical +1
    • Allies Damage Boost +5
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 1x
  • Duration 1 second
  • Effects:
    • Self Damage Boost +80

Increase dodge chance by 20%, earch hit have a chance to increase haste,crit, and damage by 1% can be stacked up to 50 times

Reduce damage taken by 30%

Mother's Rosario - Flashes your sword a thousand times, opening wounds on the enemy causing damage over time.

  • Damage Base 12
  • Mana Cost 200
  • Distance Far
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Magical
  • Cooldown 10 seconds
  • Hit Targets 2x
An aura that causes damage over time.
  • Affects Enemy
  • Maximum Stack 1x
  • Duration 5 seconds
  • Affects Self
  • Maximum Stack 7x
  • Duration 11 seconds
  • Chance 20%
  • Effects:
    • Allies Haste +1
    • Allies Critical +1
    • Allies Damage Boost +5

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