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RedHero Logo
  • Level 100
  • Health 25,000
  • Mana 500
  • Attack Speed 2 seconds
  • Respawn time 1 seconds
  • Total kills 0x

Location & Dialog

Empyrean Enter/join Empyrean

1. In the celestial expanse, stars whisper secrets to the night, weaving tales of eternity and wonder.

Empyrean Area1/join Empyrean

1. The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die.

Elixr Area2/join Elixr

1. Summer? It's still summer? When is summer? Can you tell me?

2. Kidding its summer but this Area doesn't feel like summer! Because It's already HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT

EventHub r2/join EventHub

1. Try your Luck here!