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RedHero Logo
  • Level 500
  • Health 25,000
  • Mana 500
  • Attack Speed 2 seconds
  • Respawn time 10 seconds
  • Total kills 307x

This Skill petrify your opponent. but who makes the clown laugh ?

  • Damage Base 9
  • Mana Cost 40
  • Distance Near
  • Affects Enemy
  • Type Magical
  • Cooldown 4 seconds
  • Hit Targets 99x
An aura that petrifies.
  • Affects Enemy
  • Maximum Stack 1x
  • Duration 2 seconds

Location & Dialog

outset Enter/join outset

1. Walking down a path without knowing where you really want to go… Having a grace period like that isn't so bad.

western Enter/join western

1. I've got a challenge for you. destroy all the western creatures Head to /Western and bring me a million of them! That's right, one full million! There's two shiny char page badge swith your name on it if you commit.