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RedHero Logo
  • Level 10
  • Health 25,000
  • Mana 500
  • Attack Speed 2 seconds
  • Respawn time 5 seconds
  • Total kills 1x

Location & Dialog

Animeverse Enter/join Animeverse

1. Greetings, Hero! Grit your teeth and look straight ahead, Help me defeat these monsters to regain my strength! As a Hashira, itโ€™s natural I protect you all. Young buds must be allowed to bloom. I entrust you with my full trust to safeguard this place in the Animeverse. SET YOUR HEART ABLAZE!

Boken Enter/join Boken

1. Greetings, Hero! Grit your teeth and look straight ahead, Help me defeat these monsters to regain my strength! As a Hashira, itโ€™s natural I protect you all. Young buds must be allowed to bloom. I entrust you with my full trust to safeguard this place in the Animeverse. SET YOUR HEART ABLAZE!