Gogeta is the fusion between Goku and Vegeta! He harbors a massive amount of ki and fighting strength that rivals that of a god.
Mana regeneration methods
Gogeta gains mana whenever he lands a critical attack on his targets, as well as being struck with critical by th enemy.
Stats description
Gogeta has a massive amount of ki, allowing him to use many skills at his disposal and causing lots of damage. (Intellect, Megumin/Ainz).
A clear energy blast from Gogeta's palm, a basic ki attack by strong Saiyajins.
Damage Base 8.1
Mana Cost 0
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Auto
Cooldown 1 second
Hit Targets 2x
Mana Increase 15%
Launches into the air and releases an enormous rain of ki spheres upon his enemy, dealing moderate damage and applies Stardust, slowing your enemy by 40% for 4 seconds.
Damage Base 22.4
Mana Cost 50
Distance Far
Affects Enemy
Type Magical
Cooldown 5 seconds
Hit Targets 3x
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 3 seconds
EnemyHaste -40
Gogeta enters a powerful state called the Super Saiyajin, making him a lot stronger and faster than usual, giving him boosted speed and power! (30% Haste; 100% Damage for 9 seconds.)
Damage Base -50
Mana Cost 100
Distance Far
Affects Self
Type Magical
Cooldown 10 seconds
Hit Targets 1x
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 8 seconds
SelfHaste +30
SelfDamage Boost +100
Gathers a massive amount of ki to make for a Kamehameha and make it stronger than of a regular Sayajin's, dealing moderate to heavy damage and causes stun for 3 seconds to targets.
Damage Base 26.3
Mana Cost 70
Distance Far
Affects Enemy
Type Magical
Cooldown 6 seconds
Hit Targets 3x
An aura that stuns.
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 2 seconds
Goku's perseverance that affects the fusion and gives of 15% evasion.
SelfEvasion +15
Vegeta's aggression that affects the fusion and gives of 15% critical chance.
SelfCritical +15
Gogeta's final attack upon Broly , where he launches an abnormally powerful Kamehameha wave, causing destruction to anything in its path. Has 40% chance to inflict DoT t targets for 7 seconds.