Skulking through Greenguard Forest, the Avalon Hunter are stealthy, wealthy and wise to the ways of their opponents.
Dodge Melee
Hit up to 2 target in long range, earch target hit increase your hit chance and crit rate by 2% stacks up to 25%
Shot up to 4 target, increasing damage they take by 25% for short amount of time
Hit up to 4 target, applies poison to your target
Dealing high amount of damage that hit up to 4 target
Increasing Haste by 15%
Increasing dodge chance by 35%
Hit up to 4 target and heal yourself by small amount of hp
Action | Item |
View | Sam's Shop |
Action | Redeem | Expire |
View | ****-****-****-**** Remaining 0.00% | 3 years ago |