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Mengao Particle 81

Quest ID: 2951
Mengao Particle 81

Know the history is the way to eternal glory. Room's > (/join Deathvalley) (/join FireForest) (/join Lushforest) (/join Chaosmarsh) (/join RanoCave) (/join Umbra) (/join Desertfield) (/join Fiendbattle) (/join Orehyub) (/join Beach) (/join Archdeath) (/join Village)

Know the history is the way to eternal glory. Room's > (/join Deathvalley) (/join FireForest) (/join Lushforest) (/join Chaosmarsh) (/join RanoCave) (/join Umbra) (/join Desertfield) (/join Fiendbattle) (/join Orehyub) (/join Beach) (/join Archdeath) (/join Village)
  • Experience 15,000
  • Coins 0 HC
  • Class points 0
  • Class points 0
  • Requirement
  • Required Level 1
  • Energy cost 10
  • VIP Only No
  • Once No
  • Party of 4 is required No