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Mengao Ak-47 Badge + Title

Congrats! you've reach the eternal glory and will receive "Mengao Ak-47 Badge" And "Eternal Glory Hero" Title. Just buy the pistol at /desertfield to complete this quest.

Congrats! you've reach the eternal glory and will receive "Mengao Ak-47 Badge" And "Eternal Glory Hero" Title. Just buy the pistol at /desertfield to complete this quest.
  • Experience 0
  • Coins 0 HC
  • Class points 0
  • Badge Mengao Ak-47 Mengao Ak-47
  • Title Eternal Glory Hero
  • Class points 0
  • Requirement
  • Required Level 300
  • Energy cost 10
  • VIP Only No
  • Once No
  • Party of 4 is required No



Action Item
