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Eliminate the illusions

Quest ID: 475
Eliminate the illusions

Well well now I understand everything. This scroll writes “For my dear brother” in it, and this ring is clearly from one of the Akatsuki members. Who else could it be except my brother, Itachi. Looks like he is after something this time and wants to get rid of us. We better exterminate all the obstacles in this illusion, starting from the fake Monsters. Room > Genjutsu

Hah Itachi thinks he is smart. But my suffering through the years created a hatred in me that is stronger than anything. We gonna get out of this Genjutsu, soon or later, and tell him who’s the boss.
  • Experience 5,000
  • Coins 0 HC
  • Class points 0
  • Class points 0
  • Requirement
  • Required Level 50
  • Energy cost 10
  • VIP Only No
  • Once Yes
  • Party of 4 is required No


