CardClashers draw powerful cards with diverse effects in combat. If the art of the draw is mastered, it can be truly devastating.
Mana regeneration methods
CardClashers gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on crits. The amount depends on damage relative to *their own* HP total.
Stats description
CardClashers favor Strength, Endurance, and Dexterity
A basic attack, Damage dealt is based on your weapon damage.
Damage Base 15
Mana Cost 0
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Auto
Cooldown 1 second
Hit Targets 1x
Deals a new card to you and your opponent. Cards make you stronger, and your target weaker. Cards have additional effects when Tap is cast
The Nuke skill increases damage by 50% per stack of the selected aura. After using the skill, the aura's charges are reset to zero.
- Base damage: 100
- 2 stacks: 100 * 1.0 = 200 damage
- 4 stacks: 100 * 2.0 = 400 damage
Damage Base 0.1
Mana Cost 15
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Physical
Cooldown 1 second
Hit Targets 1x
An aura that removes all auras from the target except for the current one, if the name of the aura is "Breech", "Weakness", "Imposition", "Fortitude", "Vitality", or "Vigor".
The Self should not have the aura Fortitude
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Chance 100%
SelfDamage Resistance +10
An aura that removes all auras from the target except for the current one, if the name of the aura is "Breech", "Weakness", "Imposition", "Fortitude", "Vitality", or "Vigor".
The Enemy should not have the aura Imposition
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Chance 100%
EnemyDamage Resistance +10
EnemyDamage Boost +20
An aura that removes all auras from the target except for the current one, if the name of the aura is "Breech", "Weakness", "Imposition", "Fortitude", "Vitality", or "Vigor".
The Enemy should not have the aura Weakness
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 1 second
Chance 100%
EnemyDamage Resistance +10
An aura that removes all auras from the target except for the current one, if the name of the aura is "Breech", "Weakness", "Imposition", "Fortitude", "Vitality", or "Vigor".
The Self should not have the aura Vigor
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Chance 100%
SelfDamage Boost +20
An aura that removes all auras from the target except for the current one, if the name of the aura is "Breech", "Weakness", "Imposition", "Fortitude", "Vitality", or "Vigor".
The Enemy should not have the aura Breech
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Chance 100%
An aura that removes all auras from the target except for the current one, if the name of the aura is "Breech", "Weakness", "Imposition", "Fortitude", "Vitality", or "Vigor".
The Self should not have the aura Vitality
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 9 seconds
Chance 100%
Tap the cards on you and your target, removing the cards and applying powerful effects. Power is increased by Raise The Stakes stacks, which are consumed.
The Nuke skill increases damage by 50% per stack of the selected aura. After using the skill, the aura's charges are reset to zero.
- Base damage: 100
- 2 stacks: 100 * 1.0 = 200 damage
- 4 stacks: 100 * 2.0 = 400 damage
Damage Base 1
Mana Cost 25
Distance Far
Affects Enemy
Type Physical
Cooldown 1 second
Hit Targets 1x
The Enemy must have the aura Weakness
Removes the aura Weakness from Enemy on use
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
EnemyEvasion +10
EnemyDamage Resistance +10
The Self must have the aura Fortitude
Removes the aura Fortitude from Self on use
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
SelfEvasion +10
SelfDamage Resistance +10
The Enemy must have the aura Breech
Removes the aura Breech from Enemy on use
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
EnemyCritical +10
EnemyHaste +10
EnemyDamage Boost +10
The Self must have the aura Vigor
Removes the aura Vigor from Self on use
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
SelfCritical +10
SelfHaste +10
SelfDamage Boost +10
The Enemy must have the aura Imposition
Removes the aura Imposition from Enemy on use
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
An aura that heals over time.
The Self must have the aura Vitality
Removes the aura Vitality from Self on use
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 13 seconds
Each cast of this spell makes the effects of Tap and Clash more powerful, but it also hurts you and leaves you more vulnerable. Stacks up to 4 times. Consumed by Tap.
Damage Base 0.05
Mana Cost 20
Distance Near
Affects Self
Type Physical
Cooldown 1 second
Hit Targets 1x
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 10x
Duration 9 seconds
SelfDamage Resistance -50
Luck increased 15%.
SelfLuck x1.15
Crit, Dodge, and Hit chance are increased.
SelfCritical +10
SelfEvasion +7
SelfHit +3
Deals damage to your target based on Raise The Stakes stacks, but does not consume them.
The Nuke skill increases damage by 50% per stack of the selected aura. After using the skill, the aura's charges are reset to zero.
- Base damage: 100
- 2 stacks: 100 * 1.0 = 200 damage
- 4 stacks: 100 * 2.0 = 400 damage